Nov: 2015: A year late…but better than, you know. I’m writing this intro on the year
anniversary of my big move from the house I lived in for 21 years to a rental
apt. I hope to share my thoughts on how
the year went, sooner, rather than later.
Dec. 2014: It's been a 2
year dry spell for me. I lost my muse, and everything I started writing
about seemed unimportant as I wafted around in cyber limbo.
After having gone through one of the most important, stressful
events in my life - a move out of my home of 21 years, the wells have sprung.
I now know why I lost my desire to write anything substantial all this
time. I needed a
change, a shake-up, a forward motion. And so it happened.
As I write this, the yoke of home ownership lifted, after selling
my house of hopes and dreams, the house that I moved into, 9 months pregnant
with my last child. My hopes for an almost perfect life loomed large.
I was prepared to raise my 2 boys, ages 5 and 3 and my baby daughter in
that spacious colonial with the big backyard and build a comfortable, nurturing
life for myself and husband.

I became a personal trainer and continued to freelance write, as
the years rolled on, seemingly at an accelerated pace. Until, I’d had enough, with home ownership
and leaks, and boiler repair and everything that goes eventually wrong in a
home. The only thing that gave me comfort
was when the kids came home to visit and I could revert to being Mommy,
cooking, complaining and beaming at them. Or when I went outside to my lovely
yard, planted and watered my flowers and vegetable garden and swung in the
Then there was the memory of standing outside my heatless house in
my yard on that frigid, but sunny day, after Hurricane Sandy trounced through
my yard, felling trees, and raised my arms, outstretched to the sun and thanked
God for this moment of warmth.
Selling, throwing out and
donating 21 years of my life, 3 stories, shed and garage full of stuff was
daunting, liberating, but also depressing.
I threw out the kids’ old toys, ex-husband’s Valentine’s Day cards and
whatever else I could bear to part with.
My kids accused me of being a hoarder and over sentimental. But when I saw those adorable projects the
kids made, I’d cave and set them aside in a small plastic bin.
With the intensity of a project manager on deadline, I had about 7
weeks to get rid of most of my house stuff, book the moving truck and close on
the house 2 days before Thanksgiving.
Some type of lunatic power possessed me after the moving truck moved all
the big furniture. I really only took my
dining room set and piano, books, CD’s and records. All of my other personal items I ended up
carting and boxing up and moving myself. Going up and down 3 flights of stairs
in my home and then 2 flights of stairs in my new apt., not eating, combined
with sheer exhaustion for those last 3 weeks resulted in an unprecedented
weight loss of 8 lbs! Aha, so that’s
how it’s done – 8 hours of movement daily, spare eating, exhaustion and voila,
pounds came off without even a thought – what a miraculous feat!
I’m now settling in to apartment living and some of the 8 lbs and
sense of calm have returned. The loss of
my yard and letting my dogs run free is one thing I’ll miss. Not much of a cold and rainy day walk kind of
a person, but the noose around my neck of solo home ownership is gone. I will
also miss my garden and flower plantings, which I can only limitedly do on my
terrace.Yes, this is a new chapter, beginning, plot line, one of calm and peace,
less worry, but not boredom, sorely needed.
GOOD FOR YOU LILY! Your best line for me? "Selling, throwing out and donating 21 years of my life...was daunting, liberating, but also depressing." That's exactly what our move back in 2014 felt like to me. But now we're set in our passive solar home in the foothills of southern Colorado with almost NO HEATING BILLS and beautiful views everyday. It was so worth it! -- Adventures of the NEW Old Farts